Splatoon 2 Memes Small Pictures Funny


Yes! Splatoon, its sequel, and its threequel have enough memes to warrant their own page! It's all part of the Squid Invasion of TV Tropes! Mwahahaha!

Splatoon Commercials Memes

  • The North American commercials, with their Narm Charm and So Bad, It's Good lyrics, became a bit of a hit on the internet. To quote:


    • Referenced by Callie and Marie describing Camp Triggerfish:

      Callie: Being here makes me feel like a kid!
      Marie: Really? I feel more like a squid.

  • The silly looking middle stages of Inkling development seen here (especially the second-to-last stage) have become quite popular, maybe thanks in part for being prime targets for the whole "YOU'RE A KID YOU'RE A SQUID" thing.
  • A great example of this meme would be this parody of the "Man or Muppet" musical number from The Muppets.

General, Miiverse and Inkopolis Plaza/Square Memes

  • "My plaza is full of memes!" That's right, thanks to Miiverse integration, you can "enjoy" everything listed on this page and more just by walking around Inkopolis Plaza with the internet up... note Well, you could until Miiverse shut down. Hooray?
    • There's a lot of Miiverse posts asking for hair styles, apartments, and especially pants to be added to the game.
    • There are recurring Miiverse posts about the game being really addictive, with "horror stories" of players staying up late (the usual time given is 3am), or posts like "Who needs sleep?"
  • Squid puns are everywhere. Most popular include lines like:
  • Squid ink can't melt steel beams. Explanation A snowclone of "Jet fuel can't melt steel beams", a meme poking fun at 9/11 conspiracy theories.
  • "The only thing better than Splatoon is Communism!" Explanation A Miiverse post that became infamous for coming completely out of nowhere, even by Miiverse standards.
    • "Gender is a myth invented by the Church to stop you from eating all the Communion wafers." Explanation A Plaza post that's become the Splatoon 2 version of the above, though this one is considered to have even more of a WTF factor than the above.
  • "Stay fresh!!!" Explanation Callie and Marie's sign off at the end of their news broadcasts.
  • The phrase "this game is fun my mom and dad have been fighting a lot" and its variants, first seen on the Miiverse board for Super Mario 3D World, saw a major resurgence with Splatoon.
  • Fans commonly joke about possible themes for Splatfest, ranging from Product Placement to more mundane topics. Due to the European Splatfests having especially weird themes, suggestions for European Splatfests are either about bizarre subjects or something lame, most prominently "Left Ear vs. Right Ear".
  • "Woomy!" Explanation One of the female Inkling's in-game sound bites. This clip also serves as the Inkling Girl's side taunt in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate.
  • Squid Parties. Explanation Players simply stop attacking each other and just flop around in Squid form.
    • This has become a common celebration practice after a successful Salmon Run.
  • Squidbagging/Seabagging. Explanation Similar to teabagging in other shooters, players bunny-hop while rapidly transforming between kid and squid forms after splatting an opponent, so they can see it on their killcam view.
    • Japanese players have come up with a similar post-splat taunt, wherein they drop a Squid Beakon on the spot where their opponent last stood, like a grave marker, before 'bowing' to it ironically (or respectfully).
  • 90's Nick: The Game. Explanation Thanks to the graphics style, overall 90s aesthetics, and the ink being highly reminiscent of slime, many have compared this game to something that would have been on Nick in the 90s.
  • "This is the Octolings' revenge against us for taking back the Great Zapfish." Explanation During some online matches, there were reports of a hacker who managed to hack in the model of an Octoling as a playable character. While it works okay in matches, since the plaza isn't programmed to handle Octolings being in it, exiting the match afterwards results in the game soft-locking and preventing players from accessing ANYTHING in it. Naturally, amidst all the panic and chaos that ensued, many jokes about the "Octolings' revenge" followed as well.
  • Remember: October = Octob = Octo = OCTOLINGS CONFIRMED!!!!11!!one Explanation Prior to their actual release, "Octolings confirmed" slowly became the "Hoenn Confirmed!" or "Half-Life 3 Confirmed!" of the Splatoon community. Nowhere did this meme mutate more than the logic of why they'd be released in October. Unfortunately, October 2015 came and went without any sign of playable Octolings in sight. The fans' wishes were finally granted with the second game's Octo Expansion in June 2018.
  • On This Very Wiki, with the Pirate versus Ninja Splatfest resulting in pirates winning by having a higher win rate despite ninjas having a popularity rank over 70% , many jokes about the Conservation of Ninjutsu being in full effect for team ninja ensued. The jokes about this only intensified when the Ninjas lost their second Splatfest to the Barbarians under nearly identical popularity/win rates.
  • Eternal Phalanx Omega Explanation In the Japanese and Europe/Oceania versions, whenever Museum d'Alfonsino is playable one possible skit has Marie use this term for when an entire team shares a Bubbler in the last moments of a match. It's taken off pretty well in the Japanese fandom. Its American equivalent is "The Bubble Huddle".
    • Final Crystal Dust Explanation Similar to the above example, one of the skits for Mahi Mahi Resort in Japan and Europe/Oceania has Marie use this term in referral to the tactic of using Inkstrikes in the last seconds of the match. In America she calls this "passive aggression".
  • "I love the salt" Explanation A cropped screenshot with a Callie line, typically used as a reaction image.
  • Blue has Vulpix though! Explanation Vulpix is one of the more popular mons from Generation I of Pokemon, both due to the design of its evolutionary line and due to the fact that before Flamethrower became a TM in Generation III, Vulpix could learn the move 15 levels before Growlithe, who took until level 50; the fact that the Vulpix and Growlithe lines had nearly identical base stats in Gen I helped. During the Pokémon Red and Blue Splatfest, it was the argument Marie made for picking Blue. Naturally, it quickly caught on with quite a few players, especially those who were picking Blue for this exact reason. Even Callie comments on how Vulpix being on Blue made that Splatfest a hard choice!
  • This image of an S+ E-Litre main is often used in the Splatoon community to mock min-maxers who spend hours of Save Scumming for perfect rolls to get pure gear for their builds Note It's worth pointing out that, due to diminishing returns, at least a quarter of those abilities do nothing at all, especially if said gear clashes horribly with each other and looks ridiculous as a result.
  • The prominence of Ranked Battle and all the Serious Business it entails helped to foster the use of common competitive/pro-gamer memery, from MOBA-style 'carrying' and the 'SALT' of losers with poor sportsmanship, to the aforementioned Squidbagging.
    • Let me call you Daddy, because like my actual Dad you always let me down. Explanation Just another one of those Miiverse/Tumblr quotes revolving around how players compare their competitive experiences to their rather depressing home lives.
  • Tree House senpai noticed us. Explanation During the Splatoon 2 part of the Nintendo Switch stream, one of the presenters mentioned how they pay attention to r/Splatoon in making the game. Naturally, r/Splatoon exploded in response.
  • haunted callie calamari doll that drinks all your pepsi and calls you a bitch Explanation An image floating around of an eBay listing for a Callie plushie with that description. Eventually led to variations for other Splatoon characters.
  • The furry wars. Explanation At first, there were only 1-2 furries visible in posts at any given time, if there was one to be seen. This came about after one post complained "stop drawing furries" to which furries, being prolific artists, responded by drawing more furries. As another post put it best: "To be honest, furries are the only ones who know how to draw well on this." The discussion on this eventually got so heated that r/Splatoon had to eventually ban discussion about furries.
    • This meme saw a bit of a resurgence during the Vampires vs Werewolves Splatfest, where fanart and official art depicted Marina (representing Team Werewolves) in various states of furrydom.
  • "I wish [thing that actually exists] were real" Explanation Similar to the furry wars, this quickly became the Running Gag post in the lobby. It's since been used for a few memes in the mainstream.
    • This is referenced by Marina while discussing Shellendorf Institute.
  • Trans Pride Explanation The third major running post theme in the Splatoon 2 square.
  • #BringBackCallie Explanation The fourth major running post theme in Splatoon 2, showing support for the missing Squid Sister, who got hit particularly hard with the Out of Focus stick in this one. Callie is also said to be an honorary member of Team Invisible for the second post-release Splatfest... because she's hardly ever seen in the game.
    • #BroughtCallieBack Explanation Version 3.0 adjusts the single-player experience so that Callie is present in Octo Canyon after all. The fans' wishes were most certainly granted.
  • If (Splatfest team) wins I will throw my Switch in a lake Explanation Around the time the Ketchup vs Mayo Splatfest was going on in Europe, one player made a plaza post threatening to throw their Switch into a lake if Team Mayo won, with many other players expressing concern, or daring the poster to do it. Team Mayo won, resulting in the player making a follow-up post simply reading "Uh oh." Players declaring that they would dump their Switches the same way if the team they didn't join wins has since become a Running Gag of Splatfests.
  • Booyah back so I know it's real Explanation Many players appreciate it when they use the "Booyah!" communication at the start of the match and their teammates return the favor.
    • If you don't booyah back... Explanation There are players who are serious about this sort of etiquette, and get angry when they don't get booyah'd in return. It later becomes an Ascended Meme with the introduction of the Booyah Bomb special, which charges up faster if players booyah during its charging phase.

Splatoon 2

  • HAIRCUTS CONFIRMED Explanation A much wanted feature that wasn't in the first game, Splatoon 2 allows Inklings to customize their "hair" style. Naturally, the fandom went ballistic, to the point that it overshadowed the new map that was shown off.
    • PANTS CONFIRMED Explanation Another much requested feature, pants can now be customized separate from an Inkling's shirt.
  • Abilities are no longer attached to clothing. THERE IS A GOD!! Explanation One of the major problems of the original Splatoon was, despite having a wide variety of clothing options to choose from, most Inklings end up looking like Rummage Sale Rejects for the sake of having the most optimal abilities for their loadout. Naturally, when it was announced that Splatoon 2 would do away with this, the reaction was overwhelmingly positive.
  • "Can't believe Callie is dead." Explanation The Splatoon 2 trailer shows a shot of Marie facing away from the camera. As Callie hadn't been shown in the trailer at all, this led some to believe that she would be absent from Splatoon 2 due to losing the final Splatfest.
  • Squidd VS Salmonn Explanation Splatoon 2 has a horde survival mode called Salmon Run where the goal is to collect as many golden eggs as possible while surviving the Salmonid onslaught. Naturally, comparisons to Team Fortress 2's Mann VS Machine mode were quick to be made.
    • "Another reason to hate my team." Explanation If a squid gets splatted in this mode, they need one of their teammates to hit them with the team's Ink to revive them. Naturally, people almost immediately started anticipating it ending how you would expect it to end.
  • Splatoon 2 and Octo Expansion invited more puns into the mix:
    • "For eel?" Explanation Another pun, used by Marie as an expression of disbelief.
    • Pearl threatens to cut a fish if anyone tried anything against Marina.
  • I'm actually a demon/Octoling. Explanation (PASWG Spoilers) The possibility of Callie siding with the Octarians and double crossing Marie opened the gate for comparisons of PASWG's reveal that Stocking was a demon the whole time.
  • #NotMySquidSisters Explanation This hashtag started seeing the rounds amongst diehard Squid Sister loyalists after the 7/6/2017 Nintendo Direct, with Off the Hook taking over the airwaves from the Squid Sisters.
  • "That's right, bitch!" Explanation Despite the game's music being entirely in Simlish, some fans heard a certain phrase during Color Pulse. Whether they meant it or not, the fans latched onto it and won't take any substitute.
    • "PUSSY! PUSSY! MOTHERFUCKING PUSSY!" Explanation Similar to the above, a lot of people misheard the chanting at the start of Nasty Majesty.
  • And I brought this sweet new coat! Explanation (spoiler) Octostomp returns as a boss in Splatoon 2. His boss subtitle is 'I'm BAAAAAACK!' at first, but once you damage him once, he puts on padded armor with another boss subtitle containing the former line. Naturally, the sheer genius comedic timing of it makes it one of the highlights of Splatoon 2's story mode.
  • Using the Switch to make photorealistic posts, thanks to the new way to draw pretty much forcing people into the 'hyper pixel' style. Explanation Because the Switch lacks a tablet feature, the only way to make a relatively decent picture in Splatoon 2 is to use the d-pad and put each pixel in one at a time. This has caused those who are already skilled at the craft to really stand out amongst the crowd.
  • Team Plain/Mustard/*insert other condiments here*. Explanation The first official Splatfest of Splatoon 2 was Mayo VS Ketchup. Naturally, to those who prefered neither, responses along the line of this were common when asked what team they were on.
  • Not-Miiverse. Explanation The go to phrase used when referring to the posting feature in Inkopolis Square since Miiverse isn't supported by the Switch.
  • BLOOD Explanation The first Splatfest of the actual game was between Mayonnaise and Ketchup, which were colored in accordance to their condiments. Some Ketchup players made Miiverse posts and ink sprays with this word written out in their color, for obvious reasons.
    • CUM Explanation Team Mayonnaise's version of the above meme. Nintendo were the ones behind the accident; any players who made this did so on purpose. This made a comeback during the Chicken vs Egg Splatfest.
    • PEE Explanation Team Egg had solid yellow ink, and you can guess where this is going based on the above.
    • POOP Explanation Team Time Travel in the Time Travel vs. Teleportation Splatfest had light brown ink. After several memes involving Splatfest-exclusive ink colors and human body fluids, you can probably see where this is going.
  • Lesbian Pearl Explanation A dialogue for Sturgeon Shipyard has Pearl state that she likes "octo pie", which leaves Marina confused on whether she should be touched or terrified. The fanbase being what it is, well...
    • Naughty Marina Explanation Marina makes some... interesting double entendres about the power of Invisibility in the second Splatfest dialogue.
  • "Your corporate-shill game is on point today." Explanation Japan's third Splatoon 2 Splatfest was between McDonalds products. The fanbase cottoned on immediately.
  • Toilet paper. Explanation Thanks to the higher propensity for weirdness, the EU Splatfests are seen as inferior to NA and Japanese ones. This reached its peak in October 2017, where the North American Splatfest was Vampires vs. Werewolves, Japan was Agility vs. Endurance, and the EU Splatfest was... different ways to roll toilet paper.
    • "Who allowed Europe to choose the Splatfest theme?" Explanation The general reaction to the Orange Juice with Pulp vs. Orange Juice without Pulp Splatfest coming up for North America was that it's a dumb theme to go on. Due to the above, people began joking that EU players got to pick the theme.
  • The Great Zapfish is missing! Explanation An error in the Version 2.0 patch caused the Great Zapfish to inexplicably disappear from the square, even if the player had completed Hero Mode already. Although this bug was fixed quickly, it wasn't fixed quickly enough for people to not notice.
  • We Overwatch now! Explanation After 2.00 updates added the ability for players to reset after reaching level 99 to give them an option of returning to level 1 and start leveling up again, many players started comparing the game to Overwatch, which has a similar system.
  • "It's funny because we're all living in a simulation and free will is a lie." Explanation One of Marina's lines before the "Chicken vs Egg" Splatfest. It breaks the fourth wall but also references real life concepts, making it incredibly jarring and unsettling.
  • Dabbing Pearl Explanation During the February 2018 concert in Japan, Pearl dabbed during "Now or Never".
  • East Coast vs. West Coast Splatfest Explanation After fans noticed how closely Pearl's and Marina's Octo Expansion outfits resembled those of legendary rappers The Notorious B.I.G and Tupac, jokes began to abound about reviving their infamous feud.
  • Savage Marina Explanation People tend to call Marina savage whenever she iceburns Pearl over particularly stupid or unfunny comments.
    • #FIREPEARL Explanation Marina trended this hashtag over a Piranha Pit commentary where Pearl made a tasteless joke, and the internet saw where she was coming from.
  • "Veemo!" Explanation The Octoling equivalent of "Woomy".
    • "Oomi!". "Weyo!" and "Ngweh!" note being an Octoling equivalent of "Ngyes" also received memetic jokes as well.
    • *moans* Explanation Most male Octoling voice clips are more aroused than male Inkling voice clips.
  • "[Insert Mistake]— test failed." *Explosion* Explanation C.Q. Cumber will always say that phrase whenever you fail a criterion such as running out of time, running out of limited ink, losing the 8-ball, etc. And he will detonate a bomb bag underneath your tank. Eventually this turned into Disproportionate Retribution with people drawing C.Q. detonating the bag for things like stepping on enemy ink or breathing.
    • Then Perish Explanation This often accompanies the phrase for people who really want to show C.Q. Cumber's Memetic Psychopath status.
    • EXPLODE CHILD Explanation Yet another phrase associated with C.Q. Cumber, originating in this picture as the label on the bomb's remote.
  • Congrats on making it out, Agent 8! Now, pulp or no pulp? Explanation (Octo Expansion spoilers) The first Splatfest after Octo Expansion dropped was if people preferred their orange juice with pulp or no pulp. Its announcement also coincided around the time most people beat the expansion. As a result, many jokes were made over what Agent 8's reaction to the Splatfest must have been, especially since they nearly got turned into pulp and just saved the world from someone who wanted to destroy Inkopolis for this exact pettiness.
  • The Octo Girl peek. Explanation A particular expression an Octoling girl can make during the Off the Hook opening segments ended up becoming extremely popular in the fanbase, both for being adorable and serving as perfect reaction gif fodder.
  • Race war! Explanation When the July 2018 Splatfest was announced to be Squid vs. Octopus (complete with players being locked into playing as their side's respective race in Splatfest battles), people began making jokes about how easy it is to interpret it as a racially charged conflict, as shown in this video. A lot of Splatoon communities will drop the hammer on this one, though.
  • The Octoboy afro. Explanation The Octolings afro haircut option is practically a meme in itself, with many considering/joking that's the best hair option in the game and jokingly deriding anyone who says otherwise.
  • Referring to the Bloblobber as a toilet. Explanation The Bloblobber is based on a bathtub. However, mostly amongst those who dislike it, people have taken to referring to it as a toilet, as it's design could also be mistaken for a urinal.
  • Team Spork Explanation The Splatfest for August 24-25, 2018 is "Fork vs. Spoon". Naturally, this led to a lot of Plaza posts basically asking "why not spork?" Hilariously enough, the Nintendo News article acknowledges this by saying that spork isn't an option.
    • Spoon Explanation Several plaza posts feature the Splatoon logo edited to read as "Spoon" or "Spoon 2".
  • FRESH FISH Explanation The Octoling Octopus amiibo contains the Fresh Fish gear, which assembles a Goofy Suit of Wahoo World's mascot, Fresh Fish (or Hireo-kun in Japan). It was deemed by the Splatoon fanbase to be the most terrifying thing they ever saw due to its oversized head, hands, eyes and feet, as well as the fact it has a permanent smile on its face. The Japanese fanbase ran with its strange appearance by dressing up as Fresh Fish or making highly detailed artworks of Fresh Fish in Inkopolis Square. The Western fanbase, on the other hand, went with the depiction of Fresh Fish being a Memetic Molester preying on young Inklings and Octolings, with many players calling for the mascot to be killed with fire.
  • Friendship Bracelet Explanation One of the Salmon Run specific clothing items available at the start of June 2019 was "footwear" called the Friendship Bracelet - an anklet around the player's, well, ankle that happened to leave them barefoot. The plaza and the subreddit went crazy over it, with jokes about foot fetishists becoming quite pleased with the addition thrown all over the place.
  • Final Splatfest is just Shin Megami Tensei Explanation The theme of the final Splatfest, set to take place in July 2019, is themed around Order Versus Chaos, quickly leading to comparisons to Shin Megami Tensei and its tradition of pitting Law vs. Chaos against one another, or referring to the game as a Stealth Sequel to the SMT series.
  • Sheldon is a war profiteer Explanation When Sheldon got his reveal for the Final Fest, he turned out to be neutral, since he'll keep selling guns as long as there are squids who want to splat other squids. Needless to say, the jokes started flying fast.

Splatoon 3

  • WHAT DID YOU DO, PEARL? Explanation Due to Team Chaos winning the Final SplatFest and Splatoon 3's reveal trailer having what appears to be an Eiffel Tower turned upside down, many fans joked about what the hell Pearl must have done to have caused all of this.
  • Splatoon hates France Explanation With the appearance of the Eiffel Tower and the seemingly "chaotic" and apocalyptic setting of the game, it is often joked that the cast of Splatoon, either indirectly or deliberately, destroyed France. Tying into the above with Team Chaos' victory and outcome, Pearl is often given the blame. The fanbase has also pointed out how Hilarious in Hindsight this official promotional art of the Squid Sisters taking a selfie in an intact Paris ends up looking, leading to further jokes that they wrecked France.
  • The World if Team Order Won Explanation As the next installment's lore and campaign is influenced by the outcome of the Final Splatfest from the previous game, fans mourn the lost potential of a world themed around Order, as opposed to the wasteland that Team Chaos has seemingly caused. Many speculate that it would've been a utopian world or a Cyberpunk dystopia, based on Marina's outfit and colors during that time.
  • Gender is gone Explanation Like Animal Crossing: New Horizons, gender options have been changed so that you now choose your "style". Adding on to the fact that all hairstyles and legwear are now unisex, many fans have joked that Splatoon abolished gender restrictions/roles.
  • The Train Ride Explanation The scene of riding a train , presumably to and from the campaign or tutorial. There's a space between the Inkling and a jellyfish, giving some fans the idea of editing various characters into the seat. Alternatively, object-labeling the Inkling and their excited Smallfry companion.
  • Little Buddy Explanation The Smallfry Salmonid companion revealed in the trailer has gained a huge following among fans, generating meme gifs, artwork and even cults within 24 hours of its reveal. It's collectively and affectionately referred as "Little Buddy" based on the customization description.

Crossover Memes

  • Team CatDog Explanation The first American region Splatfest and the sixth European region Splatfest were both about cats vs. dogs. There was no third option in-game, but this was the proposed alternative. Sometimes complete with the drawing of the titular CatDog.
  • Can't we get beyond Kelp Dome?
  • Squid-themed Hat simulator Explanation A mutation of the infamous joke about Team Fortress 2 being a War-themed Hat simulator.
  • When it comes to Miiverse, pretty much anything from SpongeBob SquarePants is fair game:
  • Aside from the above as well as the obvious Ika Musume references on the Miiverse, Cthulhu and Ultros occasionally pop up in some Miiverse posts in a rarer capacity. Octodad references are also fairly common.
  • Squidbillies is another squid-related work that gets referenced a bit.
  • Despite having virtually nothing to do with squids, Steven Universe-related Miiverse posts crop up a lot for some reason:
    • Just let him be a DJ! Explanation This Steven Universe quote has become popular, with the joke that Agent 3 stopped Big Bad DJ Octavio from being a DJ in the first place.
    • "If every pork chop were perfect, we wouldn't have hot dogs." Explanation This came up during the third American Splatfest, which pitted hot dogs against marshmallows.
    • "Let Pearl say 'fuck'".. Explanation This is a Steven Universe meme from Tumblr where one user posted that if Steven Universe was really pushing the barrel for kid's shows, that it would include profanity. Steven Universe and Splatoon both have characters named "Pearl", which led to the meme spreading to the Splatoon fandom. It also helps that Pearl being Sir Swears-a-Lot was already a popular fanon (See "That's right, bitch!" above.). Octo Expansion's sample of one of Pearl's pre-Off the Hook performances shows that she has, in fact, actually sworn. Heavily.
    • Pearl's secret rap career isn't so secret anymore. Explanation Steven Universe's Pearl is voiced by a woman who was once in a rap group. When fans noticed it, Pearl having been a rapper in the past and treating it as Old Shame became a meme. Splatoon 2 introduced a character named Pearl who coincidentally happens to be a rapper.
  • Inkay and Malamar are also frequently referenced. Tentacool does as well, but mostly by younger fans who don't know it's actually a jellyfish.
  • "Honto ika!"/"I'm such a squidiot!"
    • Being Inkling is suffering Explanation Comes from crossing with another meme associated with Puella Magi Madoka Magica, Meduka Meguca.
  • "SQUIDS IN HUMAN CLOTHING!" Explanation Kill La Kill fans who liked the concept of Splatoon when it was revealed in 2014 created this parody of Satsuki's infamous "Pigs in human clothing!" catchphrase. This joke has proved popular enough to stick around all the way up to launch and then enter the lobby via Miiverse art.
    • This inevitably resulted in the Squid counterparts of Ryuko and Satsuki popping up in fanart.
  • Some fans jokingly compared Splatoon to Platoon, complete with fanart of an Inkling doing the famous pose from the poster.
  • It has become popular to crack jokes about the Splat Roller and the Krakon Roller revolving around JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, mainly revolving around Dio Brando's infamous Steamroller attack on Jotaro from Part III. Here's an example.
  • They see me rollin'. They hatin'. Explanation Thanks to the Roller weapons, one can easily find references to "Ridin'" by Chamillionaire in Miiverse posts. Helped by the fact that rollers really did attract a lot of hate in the early goings when players hadn't adapted themselves against them, and later on could still attract focused fire from the opposing team.
  • Due to their similarity to Bayonetta and Jeanne, Callie and Marie tend to be drawn in fashions that invoke a stronger resemblance. This also goes the other way. And then they start making puns about the whole deal.
  • Now we know the true reason humanity became extinct. Explanation (spoilers) Tying into the Green Space Whale Aesop of Squid Girl, since the addition of the Squid Girl outfit as Ascended Fanon in August 2015, it has been argued that the actual reason for humanity dying off was the Squid Invasion led by the protagonist of said manga.
    • It has become common to crack jokes about Ika Musume's stalker with a crush Sanae, since the squidgirl-loving girl might really lose her self-control if she encountered Inkopolis, home of the cute Inklings.
  • Since Transformers already has a ton of its own memes, many of those started to appear after the theme of the fourth American Splatfest, Autobots vs. Decepticons, was announced.
    • Jokes about the Maximal Squid in the Beast Wars toyline also made the rounds after fans were reminded of his presence.
    • Jokes about how Autobot supporters for the Splatfest should use Rollers and Brushes so they can "transform and roll out" also made the rounds.
  • Touhou Project fans have noticed Splatoon, causing some memetic crossover in the fandoms. Yukkuri have invaded Miiverse, and somewhere out there some fans are jokingly asking if ZUN will add a Squid or Octopus youkai to Touhou next game.
  • Due to some visual similarity, the Squid Sisters have been compared to Panty and Stocking. The jokes got further developed with the reveal of the Transformers Splatfest at the end of August 2015, and even further with the release of the Octo Valley trailer for Splatoon 2 which brought up jokes regarding Panty & Stocking with Garterbelt's infamous stinger.
  • Memetic Juggernaut Metal Gear has gotten mixed up with Splatoon, with snowclones of character quotes and fanmade lyrics to songs like Rules of Nature.
  • There's been some crossover art and jokes with Rocket Power because one of the core characters, Sam Dullard was nicknamed "Squid" in the show. He was a kid and a squid before it was cool.
  • Gorillaz has its share of crossover jokes.
    • they're turning us into squids now! Explanation Many fans noticed the pun potential behind "Kids with Guns", resulting in several parodies.
  • Hail Hydra! Explanation The release of the Hydra Splatling was preceded by several cries of this infamous line, punning on the weapon's name.
  • Darkest Dungeon memes got crossed over into Splatoon graffiti.
  • Splatwatch Explanation Just like original Splatoon has attracted many comparison to Team Fortress 2, many players also compare Splatoon 2 to Overwatch.
    • "Cheers luv, the woomy's here!" Explanation Many players, especially those who also play Overwatch, thought of this upon seeing Splat Dualies due to it resembling Tracer's iconic Pulse Pistols.
      • This became Hilarious in Hindsight when Overwatch released a new skin for Tracer, the Graffiti Skin, in which the weapon included with it looks even more like the Splat Dualies, down to the placement of the magazine.
    • Gremlin Pearl Explanation Pearl's bratty demeanor and odd appearance has led fans to (with varying degrees of charitability) label her a "gremlin" in the same vein as D.Va, complete with matching fan-art.
    • Team Pharah vs Team Sombra Explanation The second Splatfest of the game was Flight vs Invisibility, which reminded the Overwatch players of the abilities of those heroes.
    • Because of the Splat Brella's ability to shield the player from enemy attack and detached if held too long, some users have compared this weapon to Reinhardt and Symmetra's shield.
    • OH, LET'S BREAK IT DOWN! Explanation The Splashdown's special ability has garnered comparisons to Overwatch because of its resemblance to Lucio's "Sound Barrier" ultimate, albeit it cause damage to enemies rather than healing allies.
      • METEOR STRIKE! Explanation Doomfist catches in on the Splashdown action with his ultimate also being similar in form.
    • JUSTICE RAINS FROM ABOVE! Explanation Expect Pharah players to think of this when they activate "Inkjet" or "Tenta Missiles".
  • Pearlwise Explanation When It (2017) hit theaters, Splatoon fans started meshing Pennywise with Pearl, mostly due to their stares and large foreheads.
  • IMAGINE DRAGONS Explanation The boss intro beat for both the core game and the expansion sounds a lot like the intro from the song Believer from Imagine Dragons. And then the jokes were made. It is coincidental that the song was used to promote the Nintendo Switch during the Super Bowl LI.
  • A great clam and then some. NOW SPLAT!/An Ink Storm is surely brewing. You're up!/A good day for a swell Turf War! And begin!/Here's a real high class splattle! Here goes!/This sounds like Cuphead. Explanation The second of the two new bands, Ink Theory, has a song known as Riptide Rupture that sounds suspiciously a lot like Cuphead. As such, some "Ready? Wallop!" puns are bound to arise.
  • What's reflected in the Inkling's eye? Explanation The Super Smash Bros. Ultimate teaser that played at the end of the March 8, 2018 Nintendo Direct had a shot where a firey Smash logo was reflected in the Inkling Girl's eye (which happened to act as The Reveal for what this was a teaser for). Within hours, people were editing other things into the Inkling's eye.
  • Portal fans soon realized that Agent 8 was exploring abandoned underground lab facilities that bore a strong resemblence to Aperture Science labs. The jokes naturally took.
  • Combining the song "Ink Me Up" with Evanescence's "Bring Me To Life".
  • "Octo Expansion is the Dark Souls of Splatoon." Explanation The "The Dark Souls of X" meme as applied to Splatoon 2, which is typically used half-jokingly to refer to Octo Expansion's skull-crushing difficulty.
  • Bob/Octo Ross Explanation One of the Octoling Boy's hairstyles is an afro similar to Bob Ross'. Players noticed this and started joining matches with the afro, an Inkbrush/Octobrush equipped, and their username changed to "Bob/Octo Ross."
  • As a result of a Sanrio Splatfest in Japan, Splatoon fanart featuring Aggretsuko as one of the options started popping up, including ones where Agent 8 and Pearl take a liking to it. Jokes around Pearl's 40-second mixtape that was too crude to be published and Retsuko's similar-sounding style of metal came about, too.
  • Pearl starts a race war. Explanation This It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia-based meme caught on alarmingly quickly once the first anniversary Splatfest was announced as being Squid vs. Octopus, and Pearl dismisses the Unfortunate Implications raised by Marina.
  • Pearl is the Dragonborn Explanation Pearl refers to herself as a dragon in the Octotune soundtrack interview with her, and she can SHOUT to destroy her enemies Thuum-style. The jokes wrote themselves before long.
  • RIP SiIvaGunner Explanation (Octo Expansion spoilers) The final boss of Octo Expansion takes a form that is similar to the avatar of the infamous 'high quality rips' music channel on Youtube. The jokes quickly wrote themselves, and Team Off the Hook even participated in the King For A Day contest, losing only to Unregistered Hypercam 2.
  • EVERYONE! LEND ME YOUR BOOYAHS! Explanation The Booyah Bomb is a giant energy ball of ink that is charged up by faster by the players pressing the Booyah! signal over and over, which is very similar to how a Spirit Bomb from the Dragon Ball franchise works (an energy ball where its strength is dependent by the organisms willingly to give their energy to it).
  • The Splatoween's Hockey Mask has many players inevitably dress up as Jason Voorhees.
  • Dancerush in Splatoon Explanation Many Rhythm Game fans have noted that the dance game cabinet in Splatoon 2's Inkopolis Plaza has a striking resemblence to the cabinet for DANCERUSH
  • Fresh Fish is the Fairy Companion. Explanation The Japanese dialogue for the end results of Knights vs. Wizards revealed that Fresh Fish is the fairy guide for the player in his titular game (alternatively, if Team Knights won, Fresh Fish would have been revealed to be the princess kidnapped by the last boss). It didn't take long for Japanese players to make artworks of Fresh Fish as an annoying fairy guide akin to Navi from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
  • Futaba Sakura also gets brought up quite a bit due to her resemblance to the default female Inkling. Super Smash Bros. Ultimate even lampshaded this resemblance with the default orange Inkling being the Puppet Fighter for Futaba in her Spirit battle.
  • "Squid Game or something. I don't know, I don't have Netflix." Explanation When Squid Game was released on Netflix as one of its original Korean shows, many fans took note of how the show had "squid" in its title. It was not long before people called Splatoon and its sequels a Squid Game (a game about squids than can turn into kids and vice versa).
    • Similarly "What's this all about "Squid Game?" First of all, it's called Splatoon-" is a response to the above statement made by those who "literally" label Splatoon as Squid Game.

Fan Work Memes

  • It has become popular to make Inkling shipping fanart, as well as art of adult Inklings. Of particular mention is the artist ermame26, also known as Eromame, who has done several fan-manga of Inkling yuri shipping, as well as one comic starring Agent 3 and an Octoling who has fallen in love with her.
    • We like older Squids Explanation Eventually someone edited a reaction image that was meant for Christmas cakes and adapted it for Splatoon.
  • The ink was actually blood! Explanation The inevitable parody of bad creepypasta eventually surfaced after the game was released.
  • Eleventh Tentacle Explanation First, an official Splatoon Manga came out that had a large one-panel Naked People Are Funny joke revolving around a male Inkling forgetting to equip his clothing. Then, a fan-artist jokingly drew a comic where a male Inkling boasts to an unimpressed female Inkling that males have eleven tentacles rather than ten.
  • White Ink Explanation Players soon realised that certain colours were not being used (red, brown, white, black). Many naughty jokes were cracked about "white" ink. The jokes only got more intense when Marie (who is such a pale green she looks like she's white in colour) was revealed.
    • The jokes about white ink only intensified after a Japan Splatfest introduced white (milky-white) and yellow (pale yellow) ink for a Splatfest between Lemon and Milk Tea . The fanart immediately began cracking naughty jokes about the 'milk' and 'tea' and the Squid Sisters. It then saw a resurgence when the first splatfest in Splatoon 2 ended up being Mayo vs. Ketchup, complete with white and red ink.
    • Marie is the lewd Squid Sister. Explanation Marie tends to have the more deadpan expressions and snarky comebacks to Callie's wisecracks, but there are many more factors in this one: first, she's such a pale cyan/teal many players mistake her for being white in colour (see the White Ink entry above). Second, she makes some really eyebrow-raising double entendres, and supported Milk Tea (which was the White Ink colour in that Japanese Splatfest), causing some Japanese fans to joke about where that milk in their tea was coming from.
      • Marie's armpit fetish Explanation As if all of the above isn't enough, Splatoon 2 has Marie say something...rather questionable about how Agent 4 must have sweaty armpits in a level in Octo Canyon It got compared to some quite NSFW 4chan posts about Yoshi, and a few within the fanbase went and ran with it.
    • Not-so-fresh. Explanation Callie and Marie telling players to "Stay fresh" can take a whole new meaning when taken in context of certain personal care products of a feminine nature, with phrases like "not-so-fresh feeling" and "heavy flow" being thrown around, and imagery of blue liquid being poured over white surfaces. Naturally, some players noticed this and started cracking jokes about it.
    • you should draw her giving birth Explanation A rather interesting Miiverse comment on a piece of Marie fanart. Later mutated further into the "NOW DRAW HER GIVING BIRTH" meme.
  • In the Splat-ZONE Explanation Zone-tan inevitably got linked to Splatoon, what with all the cute squidgirls.
    • ZONE-sama has actually done artwork of Callie dancing.
  • Splat Tim the Woomy Explanation A distorted picture of an Inkling boy posted on Twitter with the caption "it splat tim" (a corruption of "it's splat time"). Inspired a series of Stylistic Suck fake game covers , and tends to be associated with the phrases "He does it!" and "It's him!" (the latter being from one of the many "sequels").
    • Splat Tim: Reloaded Explanation With Splatoon 2 being announced, the Splat Tim meme saw a resurgence in popularity, usually with parody sequel covers of some kind.

Web Video Memes

  • From a PeanutButterGamer video on Splatoon:
    • Hey Jeff, wanna Sploon? Explanation The line was used as a joke, and the word "Sploon" has cropped up on many a Miiverse post. There's even an unofficial group of Splatoon players called "Sploon Squad"
    • Sempais noticed me!! Explaination Similarly, PBG used the first person zoom to look into the studio where Callie and Marie were hanging out, who then turned to wave at him.
  • "Splatoon isn't even that good." Explanation Another Web Video in the form of AlpharadTV made this phrase popular in the Splatoon and Smash communities, when a Youtuber by the name of JohnPaulArnett requested (rather rudely) to be a part of Alpha's "Challenge Mode" series. John lost all sympathy when he then insulted one of Alpha's other series "Squid Stuff," claiming it "Isn't even that good." Alpha and his Twitter following enjoyed the chaos that ensued.
  • This being a competitive multiplayer game, it's hardly surprising that there are a number of fans who like to edit their gameplay footage to parody the stereotypical MLG "pro-gamer" footage of other games (like Call of Duty and Battlefield), adding the stereotypcial MLG sound and art clips like the shameless Mountain Dew and Doritos Product Placement, Unreal Tournament announcer samples, air horns, and the soundbites of overly-excited 14-year-old shooter fans freaking out over surprisingly skilled acts. Oh, and they replace all the player names with stereotypical MLG pro-gamer handles complete with [faze] clan designations.


Source: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Memes/Splatoon

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