Garfeild Oh No I Slept in the Cornet Again


Funny / Garfield

Become To

While Garfield has spawned a massive meme subculture, the franchise has had Funny Moments of its own throughout its decades-long history.

In general:

  • Whenever the talking scale speaks to Garfield.
  • Anything involving the TV.
  • Several jokes involving coffee, such as when it is as well weak or too strong.
  • Garfield'southward very loud burps are never not funny.
  • Whenever Jon answers the phone merely to discover out that Garfield has been causing trouble.
  • Nigh whatsoever gag involving the Spluts. I particularly impressive one is coupled with Medium Sensation.
  • Many of Jon's selection-up lines, with the crowner existence, "Alibi me, I have healthy gums."
  • Whenever Jon has trouble setting up Christmas decorations (such equally lights and the tree).
  • Anything involving the refrigerator and the mutated abominations that come out of it.
  • Annihilation that happens to Garfield on Mondays.

Specific examples:

  • Garfield'due south beginning cup of coffee, fashion back in 1978:

    Jon: (Takes cup) You tin't drink coffee, Garfield. Y'all'll stunt your, uh, your...
    (Jon looks at the reader as he drums his fingers in thought)
    Jon: (Gives back cup, holds out saccharide) Ane lump, or two?

  • Ane comic has the refrigerator light burn out, and Garfield, thinking it was never bright enough anyway, replaces it with a HUGE Seedling. Soon, Jon is headed for the refrigerator looking for a midnight snack. The concluding panel has lite shooting out of every window and the chimney and Jon yelling for Garfield.
  • Jon's jaw falling to the floor upon seeing what Garfield has done to his chair.
  • Garfield apparently robbed a bank thinking information technology was a baker. Jon's reaction is what makes information technology.
  • Jon asks Garfield if he's ready to swallow, which for some reason causes Garfield to get really upset at Jon. The over-the-top delivery of the last line is what makes the strip.
  • Garfield watching a cheesy romantic moving-picture show that consists entirely of "John! Marsha!" for iv panels straight. he changes the aqueduct and facepalms when he gets "George! Shirley!"
  • Two unlike successful attempts at randomness, both involving vines: one coming out of nowhere within the house, and another being used to rescue Garfield from a ginormous basin of oatmeal.
  • Garfield trying out a whole agglomeration of exotic bird calls. While it initially appears nothing happened, which gives Garfield the line "Maybe I 'nicked' when I should accept 'greeeebeled,'" there's a whole bunch of exotic birds standing right behind him.
  • In ane strip, Garfield begs Jon for some of his dinner. Jon tells him to knock it off, proverb he can have any food that falls on the flooring. Garfield promptly tilts the table, causing all the food on it to autumn off.

    Jon: I hate you.
    Garfield: I can live with that.

  • A scene with Garfield watching Tv: "The court calls Gouda May Freegenweegenswallodribbenfraxenlaxenismabittle to the stand. Exist seated, Mrs. Freegenweegenswallodribbenfraxenlaxenismabittle. Please state your name." Cue Face Palm in the third panel.
  • Garfield'due south "I detest..." series of strips which lasted half dozen days in February 1987.

    Garfield: [awakened past a loud ringing, he begins furiously smashing something just off console] I hate warning clocks. [pan out to reveal that the alert clock is intact and that Garfield has unknowingly smashed the phone instead]

    Garfield: [trying to leap on a spider] I detest spiders! [crashes through the floorboards, missing the spider] I detest antisocial spiders.

    Garfield: [after taking a seize with teeth of a doughnut from a plate left on the table] I hate wax doughnuts.

    Garfield: [while reaching for a doughnut, his chair collapses, smacking him in the confront and throwing him to the floor] I hate folding chairs.

    Garfield: [afterwards a gust of air current splatters him against a window] I detest windy days.

    Garfield: [unable to become comfy in bed, he collapses the foot of the bed with his feet] I hate leg cramps.

  • When Garfield's jealousy of Liz reaches new heights...

    Jon: [on the phone] Liz, I think Garfield's jealous of you.
    [Garfield enters wearing a bathrobe, house slippers, and hair curlers]
    Garfield: Yous're talking to that woman again, aren't you?!
    Jon: [deadpan] Liz, I know Garfield'south jealous of you.

  • Jon explaining a double date to his blood brother:

    Doc Boy: What's a double date?

    Jon: That's when you and I go on a engagement together.

    Doc Boy: Gee, information technology seems similar it would be more than fun if some girls came along.

  • That time when Garfield deals with his Shoulder Doughnuts.

    Affections Doughnut: Don't eat that poor caught doughnut!

    Devil Doughnut: Don't listen to him! Chow downward, pal!

    Affections Doughnut: Practice what is right! Practise what'due south in your heart!

    (following a beat console where Garfield has a deadpan expression, the concluding panel reveals that Garfield ate the doughnut on the plate... plus the affections and devil doughnuts)

  • Garfield is on a diet:

    Garfield: When I'thou off this diet, I'm going to consume lasagna, cake, ice cream, mashed potatoes..

    Garfield: (does a Face Palm) I just gained ii pounds!

  • Panel One: Jon sitting downward enjoying a cup of coffee. Panel two: a deranged looking Garfield slamming his coffee cup down on the table and yells ''Bean ME!" What sells it? Jon'southward deadpan reaction.

    "Something tells me this isn't your first cup today."

  • Jon calls Garfield and Odie for dinner. He sees Garfield and Odie speeding towards him... so eats their food.
  • Jon here is REALLY desperate for a engagement.

    Jon: So, Bernadette, how almost dinner and a pic? Lunch and a cycle ride? A cookie and a crossword puzzle?!

    Garfield: (smirking at the reader) Toaster crumbs and a knock-knock joke?

  • Jon's dancing in this strip is hilarious enough on its own, but the strip just keeps getting funnier from there.
  • Definitely i of Garfield's crabbier moments.

    Jon: Would puddy tat wike a bowl of milk?

    Garfield: (soaking Jon with the bowl of milk) Would funny wooking man wike a milk bathroom? (to the audition) Never be condescending to a cat.

  • This Sunday strip.

    Jon: Hmm... Information technology says here that cats are smarter than dogs...

    Garfield: Check.

    Jon: ...and that cats are smarter than humans...

    Garfield: Bank check.

    Jon: ...and that cats should be pampered...

    Garfield: Large check.

    Jon: ...and that cats are a gift to mankind, and should be worshipped...

    Garfield: Checkarooni.

    Garfield: Che...wait a minute.

    [in the adjacent panel, the newspaper is all shredded up with Jon property up a remaining corner, and Garfield is absent]

    Jon: Oh, look. It says that cats can't have a joke.

  • "We'll be right back afterward this word from our sponsor!" "Sasquatch". "Welcome back!"
  • It's incredible that that week of strips with the dog falling on Garfield never reached Memetic Mutation status.
  • This strip has Jon seeing Garfield with what appears to be a large grin and comments about how it's dainty to see Garfield in a skillful mood for once. As soon as Jon walks off...

    Garfield: I Saturday ON A MOUSETRAP!

  • Jon scaring off his date by talking almost stamp collecting.

    Waiter: I collect canteen caps.

    Jon: OH, SHUT Upwardly!

  • Jon and Garfield have gotten so used to Jon's mum'southward annual Homemade Sweater from Hell, that when she makes Garfield a practiced sweater, Jon and Garfield get worried.
  • The TV plays the "Piece of Dangling String" show. Garfield swats at the string after a Beat.
  • In ane Sunday strip, Garfield gets a telephone call telling him he can get a k prize if he answers 2 questions: what is the sound a cat makes, and what is the sound a dog makes? Garfield answers the first one correctly, merely the second one... he messes that one upwardly deliberately.
    • DUHHHHHHH...

    Garfield: I doubt if I was eligible anyhow.

  • When Garfield wakes upwardly ane morning time and Jon decides to go jogging...Garfield falls right back to slumber.
    • A subsequently strip has Jon waking Garfield up at five in the morning to become jogging... and so promptly yawns and falls asleep next to him in his jogging dress. "I knew that nonsense wouldn't last long."
    • Another strip has Jon waking Garfield at 4 AM to watch the sunrise. Garfield'southward response?
  • A comic shows Garfield using the Puppy-Dog Eyes trick on Liz to get some cookies... merely just then, it backfires, making Garfield give his food to her and head over to Jon. The onetime's response?
  • Jon is talking on the phone to a adult female and sees Garfield swiping his steak dinner. His reaction is to shout "YOU FAT GREEDY PIG! I OUGHTA SHAVE YOU Bald AND PUT Y'all OUT IN THE COLD!" The adult female on the telephone assumes that Jon is talking to her and hangs upwardly.
  • Ane comic gives us Garfield using an ironing board equally a surf board in the shower stall, resulting in a very startled Jon equally his true cat shoots out of the stall on a huge wave shouting "COWABUNGA!" when he opens the door.

    Jon: Why tin't you bat at a piece of cord like other cats?!

  • Another case of Idiot box-viewing:

    Television set vocalism: It'due south the "Binky the Clown Prove"!

    Goggle box vocalism: Today is "Wellness Day," kids! Let'south come across who's at the door...

    Telly phonation: Why, it's "Petey," the swollen tick!

    Garfield: That is i ugly puppet.

  • Garfield is served dinner:

    Jon: Oh, come up on, Garfield. The true cat nutrient isn't that bad.

    Garfield: Then let'southward see how You like it! [shoves some of the nutrient into Jon'due south oral fissure]

    Jon: Mmm, adept.

  • Jon refusing to understand love stories don't take car chases.

    Liz: This is a great love story.

    Jon: Are in that location car chases?

    Liz: It'southward a dearest story.

    Jon: Practise they get over cliffs?

    Liz: It'due south a beloved story.

    Jon: Exercise the cars explode?

    Jon: Cool!

    Garfield: Turn information technology up!

  • "Garfield, why don't you get up and exercise something?" Garfield jumps upwardly and makes a Nightmare Confront, and Jon tells him not to practice it over again.
  • Jon and Garfield are stargazing, and Jon notices a falling star.

    Jon: Did you brand a wish?!

    (Jon is pummeled by a giant pizza)

    Garfield: (smiling) Yes.

  • "At that place is a wise homo on top of this mount." The wise human and then falls down, accompanied by a scream and a thud, and Garfield says that he's not so wise subsequently all.
  • Garfield tells Jon that he has never thanked Jon for all he has washed, and that he doesn't plan to.
  • Garfield uses willpower to resist eating a hamburger. He cries "Wah!" and Jon says, "I'm beginning to worry near Garfield."
  • Garfield lets Jon accept the last of the ice foam. He replaced it with lard.
  • This substitution with Irma:

    Irma: You didn't eat your vegetables.
    Jon: What are you going to do, tell my female parent?
    Irma: I think I will.
    Jon: [Stuffing the veggies into his mouth] Look! I'one thousand eating 'em! I'm eating 'em!
    Garfield: Tell her he ate his dessert first!

  • Jon becomes a mime, and flirts with a lady mime, whose jealous swain beats him up. In the last panel, Jon emits a tiny, "Ow..." and Garfield scolds him with, "Ah ah ah! You're not supposed to talk!"
  • The strip involving Garfield finding a giant hamburger, only for the hamburger to tell him that Garfield is dreaming. Garfield responds that he assumed equally such and leaves. Cue Garfield and so leaping back into frame, begetting claws and fangs, yelling "NEVER ASSUME!"
  • Garfield flushes the alarm clock down the toilet before Jon walks into the bathroom. "The toilet is ringing! What should I practice?" "Take a message."
  • Jon decides to go to the embankment, but is shocked when Garfield inflates a pool toy and he doesn't encounter it happening.
  • In one Dominicus, Jon fashions a conform out of Sunday paper comics, which he thinks will help him choice up chicks. He finds a lady jogger, but before he can say annihilation, it begins to rain. A lot. When it clears, Jon'due south been reduced to his underwear.

    Adult female: Your punchline is showing.
    Garfield: Now that'south funny.

  • "I couldn't decide what shirt to wear... And then I put all of them on".
  • Some time after they started dating, Liz joins Jon on a trip to the beach. Jon's mind nearly breaks when he get-go sees Liz in a bikini. Even funnier is the mode Odie tips up his shades in a double-take.
  • Garfield becomes fed up with Jon's snoring and shoves a pillow in his mouth.

    Jon: GAHHHHFEE!!!

    Garfield: Oh, piping downwards and gimme your pillow.

  • Garfield hears some foreign noises at night.

    Garfield: The current of air, the house settling...

    Jon: Wha?!... HOOP! YAAAAH!!



    Garfield: Jon getting upward and stepping on Odie.

  • Garfield names all the peaceful sounds of the night... then he hears them all at once, prompting an Bated Glance. Much subsequently, the strip gets a Call-Dorsum when Garfield says that sometimes he tin can't sleep.
  • Garfield and Jon's hot pepper eating contest. Jon wins by way of Garfield giving in to a Peruvian death pepper...just feels no satisfaction due to Garfield having incinerated Jon with his jiff. Four panels from this comic currently serve as the page image for Pyrrhic Victory.
  • One comic has Garfield and Jon celebrate National Drama Day, where they completely flip out over the smallest things similar burnt toast, the refrigerator light bulb going out, and running out of floss. They finally at-home downward...merely for Garfield to calmly say that Jon's automobile is on fire.
  • While they're out for a walk, Jon asks Garfield where he'd like to eat. Garfield chooses "Ernie's Swallow Till You Explode Eatery".

    Garfield: Permit'south but say I have a good feeling about it.

  • Garfield's tap dancing is attracting a more sophisticated audience. How does he know? Somebody threw an Italian shoe at him.
  • Jon made eggnog.

    (Garfield swipes Jon'south cup of eggnog and leaves)

    Jon: (angrily) WOULD Yous LIKE SOME?!!

    Garfield: Needs more than nutmeg.

  • Garfield struggles with a way-too-big Christmas sweater. Jon and Odie find it hilarious. Garfield's response is to force THEM into the sweater.
  • On Jon'south communication, Garfield takes a long, difficult await at himself.

    Jon: I said...

    Garfield: (grinning at his reflection like an idiot) Hang on.

  • This strip has Liz telling Jon to throw out a shirt that he'south wearing... that doesn't fit him anymore. Jon protests, then begs Garfield to assist him out. Garfield'south response?

    Garfield: (poking Jon in the stomach) Beep.

    • And in the NEXT strip we come across a at present bare-chested Jon telling Garfield that Liz simply doesn't understand how a guy FEELS about his favorite shirt. Then he asks Garfield if HE understands. Garfield's response?

    Garfield: (poking Jon in the stomach again) Beep.

    Jon: Volition You CUT THAT OUT?!!

  • A foot of snowfall fell... full-bodied on a very small expanse. Specifically, a bored-looking Jon's head.

    Garfield: (to the audience) Figures.

  • Jon gets Garfield a matching accommodate.

    Garfield: (walking abroad) It wasn't like shooting fish in a barrel, simply it did fit upwards his nose.

    Jon: NARFIELD!

  • "Hey, Odie! Jon was just telling me he wishes you lot would bark maniacally in his face."

    Odie: (doing just that)

    Garfield: Happy birthday, Jon!

  • The buttermilk pancakes that Irma has served Jon and Garfield taste plain. As it turns out, this is considering Irma put water in them... meaning that the buttermilk went into the coffee maker. And Irma tells Jon and Garfield this WHILE THEY'RE DRINKING THEIR COFFEE.
  • "If I turn my caput just correct... I tin can option up a radio station on my teeth!" What really makes it is Jon's grinning similar an idiot in the 3rd panel.
  • This strip. All of it.

    (Garfield offers Jon some food out of a box)

    Jon: (eats information technology) Why, cheers, Garfield. (reads the box) Dog FOOD?! QUICK! GIMME SOMETHING TO Beverage!

    Jon: (after drinking it) HOT SAUCE! I'G Called-for Up!

    (Garfield brings him the fish basin, which Jon drinks h2o from)


    (Garfield offers Jon some anchovies, which Jon eats)


    Garfield: (to the reader) This could become on for days.

  • This strip consists entirely of Jon blathering on to an extremely bored Garfield well-nigh his days on the farm. His yammering is translated for the first few panels as "Blah apathetic apathetic apathetic blah..." Garfield hallucinates him equally a pig, an alien, a rooster, and a bunny.
  • It turns out that Garfield and Odie are very enthusiastic for Liz and Jon spending time together.
  • Jon's funny trunk noises club, everybody. The best role is Garfield'due south comment:

    Garfield: I dread the weeks Jon'southward club meets here.

  • This strip, office of a series where Garfield goes on a diet.

    Garfield: (enraged and belongings a celery stalk) CELERY! IF Scientific discipline COULD FIND A USE FOR Information technology, Nosotros WOULDN'T Accept TO EAT IT TO GET RID OF It!

    (Garfield leaves)

  • Jon'southward truly horrific arrange gets him sent home to change. Garfield'south response to seeing it is to cover his eyes and shout, "MY EYES!"
  • This strip has Jon going on and on most Liz and how he can't get plenty of her. Garfield then says that he feels the same style about cheese puffs.
  • "Let the catsup festival brainstorm!"
  • Someone calls Jon to say, "I won't get out with you!"

    Jon: I wonder who that was?
    Garfield: (Smacks forehead) Rejected by wrong numbers!

  • The beginning housefly of Spring is looking for a welcome:

    Housefly: I was hoping for something a little more than FESTIVE!
    Garfield: [throwing confetti while even so wearing a deadpan expression] Huzzah.
    Housefly: I hate y'all!

  • Jon'southward parents come for a visit and the father attempts to use a modern sink. Jon's panic and the father's triumphant look in the last panel are what really brand it.
  • Jon warns Garfield non to lay a mitt on his pie . Garfield enacts Exact Words and slams his confront into it.
    • Speaking of strips involving Exact Words and pie, here Jon tells Garfield not to hit him in the confront with the pie that he is holding. The result: "PIE DOWN THE PANTS!"
  • During a power outage Jon asks Garfield to use his "cat instincts" to lead them to the basement. Come sunrise, he's somehow led them up a tree.
  • Eating Garfield's food gets Nermal literally thrown out. The nonchalance on Garfield's face is hilarious.
  • In this strip Garfield and Odie bulldoze Jon insane by eating his food behind his back.
  • This strip has Irma answering that the diner'south special for today is "Chicken Surprise", which Jon orders ii for himself and Garfield. Cue Irma putting on a craven mask and yelling "Surprise! Surprise!"

    Jon: (whispering to Garfield) Y'all distract her. I'll call the hospital.
    Garfield: Got it.

  • The traditional "Family Effectually the Hearth." Followed by the traditional "Flaming Socks Trip the light fantastic."
  • Jon discovers that Garfield has drawn a mustache on a framed photo of him and angrily tells him to set information technology. Garfield complies... and promptly draws an identical mustache on Jon'southward confront.
  • All of Jon'due south socks have holes in them? Sounds similar a job for the Masked Avengers!
  • Jon can't find his handbag of chocolate-covered coffee beans. Garfield zings across for a console.
  • Garfield asks Jim Davis if laziness is contagious, all while the art of the strip gets rougher and rougher. Jim'southward signature is even accompanied past a "Right!"
  • Jon discovers that Ellen has no feelings toward him at all.

    Jon: How about pity?
    Garfield: I thought hit lesser would make a louder noise.

  • In a couple strips, Jon yells "Fire!" to meet how Garfield would handle an emergency. He responds as only Garfield belongings up a hot dog on a stick.
  • The first Christmas Eve strip. Santa drops by to bring presents for Jon, Lyman and Odie. He then stalls for a chip before coming to Garfield, considering he was the "only child in the world to enquire for 20 pounds of lasagna."
  • The logo box to this strip. Garfield has his name written beyond ii big stockings with Santa giving an Aside Glance.
  • This strip. Garfield watches as a UFO lands in front of him, so 2 snowman aliens emerge and need that he surrender. The fact that the entire time Garfield has a bored expression on his confront (he's non at all surprised by the UFO or the aliens) is already hilarious, just it gets even amend - the snowman aliens realize that it'due south the eye of summer and promptly melt.

    Garfield: Who schedules your invasions?

    Snowman Conflicting: (now a puddle) Oh, shut up.

  • Jon walks in on his piano playing by itself .

    Jon: MY PIANO'Due south POSSESSED! At that place'S AN EVIL SPIRIT IN MY PIANO!
    Garfield: (pops out of the piano) You lot take that dorsum!

  • Garfield figures out why it's called a "Double Espresso".
  • Jon scolds Garfield for eating i of his ferns. Garfield stops, appearing that Jon's yelling did the play a joke on. But...

    Garfield: (opens Jon'south mouth) Permit'southward see you lot make that little matter that hangs down in the back of your throat dance around again!

  • Garfield trying to mail himself to the Acme Lasagna Factory.
  • Garfield sits on a high shelf because high places reinforces the superiority of cats. When he realizes just how loftier it is...
  • In an early Sunday strip, Garfield terrorizes a domestic dog, the mailman and the milkman. He as well chases a auto. In the last strip, Jon has put a sign in forepart of the house saying "Beware of cat!"
  • The Sun Strip that begins Garfield's kickoff diet arc. Garfield complains almost the potential lack of food. Then he claims he's growing weak, and he faints. Jon then starts clapping.
  • Garfield'southward endeavour to beat up the mailman is thwarted when he comes to deliver the mail in chainmail armor.
  • During the kickoff arc where Garfield catches a common cold, he has 2 sneezes of doom: the beginning where he blows his food dish on Jon and the second where he propels himself and Jon out of the house. Jon's reaction each time is a deadpanned "Anoint you lot."
    • The arc ends with Jon communicable Garfield's cold.

    Jon: (sniffles) I thig Garfield gabe me a code.
    Lyman: He what?
    Jon: He gabe me a lawmaking!
    Lyman: Pardon?
    Jon: (while Lyman smirks) GABE ME A CODE! GABE ME A CODE!

  • Jon takes Garfield for a ride in his car:

    Jon: Get off the ceiling, Garfield. (beat) Get out of the glove compartment, Garfield.
    (Garfield has wrapped himself effectually Jon's caput in the final panel)
    Jon: Get dorsum in the glove compartment, Garfield.

    • On some other strip later in the week, Jon moves up and down while driving, his caput striking his ceiling in the get-go and third panels. In the last console, Jon reprimands Garfield for playing with his power seat.
  • The Caped Avenger calling his attacks when he pounces on Odie:

    Garfield: The Caped Avenger sees an evil dog. (Garfield leaps from the table) The Caped Avenger springs into action. (Garfield faceplants on the flooring) The Caped Avenger hurts himself.

  • While Jon eats breakfast, Garfield crashes through the ceiling.

    Jon: Adept morning, Fatso.
    Garfield: All I did was spring off the bed.

  • Jon tells Garfield that one of the risks of being overweight is "getting harpooned."
  • In one arc, Jon and Garfield sentinel a moving-picture show near a lion who terrorizes a hamlet.

    Jon: How tin an animal possibly prey on an innocent victim?
    Garfield: Explicate that to the chicken you had for dinner.

  • Garfield unleashes a Sneeze of Doom which blows Jon, Odie and the furnishings against the wall. He likewise knocks a tree into a neighbour'due south house.

    Jon: Auntie Em! Auntie Em!
    Garfield: Yeah, I got you my pretty. And your footling dog, too!

  • Garfield crushes a chair with his weight. He denies that he's too fat past saying they don't make chairs the way they used to. Then, he accidentally pushes down the front door.

    Garfield: They don't brand doors the way they used to either.

  • Garfield tries to gild Jon effectually with a stick. Jon came prepared, poking Garfield with a baseball bat. Garfield tries getting back at him by bringing a tree into the house which crushes him.
    • In the terminal two panels, a bird in a tree's hole watches Garfield with a shocked expression... then glares at him when the tree pins him down.
  • Irma recommends the hamburger flambé, the french chips flambé, chili soup flambé and the peach pie flambé.

    Jon: What's with all the flambés?
    Irma: The kitchen is on burn.

  • Garfield accidentally makes Pooky's caput bigger after squeezing it as well hard. Jon laughs when he finds out, merely for Garfield to do the same to his head.
  • Garfield and Nermal having an intellectual conversation.

    Nermal: Is it difficult to talk with six chins?
    Garfield: I hate y'all.

  • Jon wonders why his weblog isn't getting any hits. He tries to spice information technology up by taking pictures of Garfield since the Internet loves cats. He gets impatient with Garfield doing nothing and screams "COME ON!!" The terminal panel has a motion-picture show of Jon'southward wide-open oral cavity on his blog captioned "Today I ate a smartphone."
  • The logo box to this strip. In a Shout-Out to Wheel of Fortune, Odie has turned the letters to Garfield'southward proper noun, but the "Fifty" and the "D" are swapped. Garfield, in the host's spot, gives a disapproving Bated Glance.
  • Garfield tries to steal Jon's nutrient by disguising himself every bit a mouth.

    Garfield: Feed the teeth!

  • Garfield ties Odie'south ears to a tree and teases him with a dingle ball. In the final console, Odie has gotten up with the tree still tied to him and is about to crush a paralyzed Garfield against the house.
  • Jon sees that women in the park are attracted to men with birds. He sees that Garfield has an ice cream cone and...

    Jon: Wanna pet my parrot?
    Woman: Does it talk?
    Garfield: The stories I could tell, lady.

  • Jon scolding Garfield for throwing rocks in the firm.

    Jon: What did I tell you the last fourth dimension you threw a rock in the business firm?
    Garfield: Lessee... don't aid me... I can get this... Oh, yeah! It was "YEEEEOW! Boy, that hurts!"

  • Jon receives a complaint from a neighbor virtually Garfield's behavior. The proper name doesn't come to listen until Jon says that Garfield noogied her schnauzer.
  • Garfield watches a prove called "Hit Me with a Hammer!" The host, Twink Winkerman gets hit in mid-sentence. Then, nosotros get this:

    Guest: Suck it up, Twink, you big infant!
    Twink: Oh yeah?! Infant this!
    Invitee: OW!
    Garfield: Goggle box'due south finest hour.

  • Jon accuses Garfield of eating his goldfish. Garfield tries to plead his case... but the goldfish emits a idea airship from Garfield's belly, saying "Did too!"
  • Garfield offers Jon a potato chip after he paper cuts his tongue licking an envelope.

    Garfield: Fun with common salt.

  • Garfield watching "Collegiate Face Slapping". One contestant takes objection to a referee's ruling...

    Referee: And then sorry, contestant number ane, just your last slap was, in fact, an center poink. Two points off...
    Contestant: Two points!? That wasn't an eye poink, HERE'Southward an eye poink!
    Commentator: And the ref goes downwardly!
    Garfield: What did we e'er exercise before 32 sports channels?

  • Jon tricks Garfield into getting out of bed.

    Jon: Garfield! It isn't fourth dimension to get up!
    Garfield: Then why yell at me?!
    Jon: That works.
    Garfield: Rats!

  • Garfield watches a talk show where a guest plays the saw. The saw flips dorsum and hits the invitee.

    Garfield: Is at that place a carpenter in the house?

  • Later that week, Garfield watches a show where a man puts off getting married. As Garfield puts information technology...

    Garfield: Information technology's tough to talk with a day planner up your olfactory organ.

  • Jon writing Christmas cards all at once. His greeting is: "Happy Holidays, from Jon, Garfield and Odie". This then morphs into "Happy Jonnydays, from Hol, Odfield and Garie". Garfield sees Jon writing "Hippy Frollyjons" and suggests a intermission.
  • Jon'southward answering machine greeting:

    Jon: Hi, this is Jon. I'm not home right n—OW! Hey, that was my LEG! What do you think you're exercise—OW!!! End information technology with the claws already, or I'll—OWWWW!!! All right, that's information technology! Information technology's GO fourth dimension, pal! you've had it n—OWWWW (beeeeeeeeeeep)
    (Jon stands next to his telephone in the final panel, bandaged upwardly with his shirt torn)
    Liz: I like your new message, Jon. Information technology's funny.

  • Jon takes Liz to a restaurant and thinks about ordering the chili.

    Jon: Is your chili spicy?
    Waiter: Non really.
    Customer: GAAAHH! MY THROAT! MILK! Water ice Water! ALOE VERA!!!
    Waiter: Unless y'all're a weenie.
    Jon: Bring it on!
    Liz: Joooon...
    Client: I CAN'T SEE!!!

    • The next twenty-four hour period, after Jon eats the chili...

    Waiter: And how was your five-alarm chili, sir?
    Jon: Hhhambla na fa.
    Waiter: Sir?
    Liz: Uh... he's French
    Jon: Na nee waa noo.

  • A spider sees the computer on and clicks the mouse a few times. In the terminal panel, a delivery homo comes to drop off three tons of dead flies.
  • Garfield watches a golf game tournament.

    Commentator: This should be an easy two-footer... And... Oh, NO! HE Brutal IN THE HOLE!
    Garfield: Elf golf game

  • Ii adept mouse strips in a row.
    • First, Jon discovers a mouse hole:

    Jon: Wall... Hole in the wall... MOUSE IN THE Pigsty!
    Garfield: (stomps his feet and claps) Cheese in the mouse... mouse in the hole... Hole in...

    • Second, Garfield tries to agree in his laughter at a mouse pantomiming Jon.

    Jon: I want that mouse caught! And I want information technology caught Now! And WHAT are you SMILING at?!

  • Jon answers the phone:

    Jon: Jon'southward love shack... Lip-lock Arbuckle speaking. Fine, Mrs. Feeny. And you?
    Garfield: Accident her a kiss from me, Lip-lock.

  • A story arc over the course of the week depicts Jon painting Garfield. On the Sat strip, Jon claims to have captures Garfield's essence. He turns the canvas around to reveal that he painted Garfield's belly. Garfield but gives an Bated Glance.
  • These two spider strips.
    • In the get-go, a spider thinks a hard hat will protect him from Garfield swatting him.

    Spider: That worked out except for MY EARS!

    • In the 2nd, a spider falls from the ceiling:

    Garfield: Maybe you need to go on a diet.
    Spider: Oh, Yes?!
    (the third console depicts a class of spiders)
    Professor: (adjacent to a sign reading "Look who's talking, Fatso.") ...Perchance we tin all derive a measure of comfort from Larry'due south last words...

  • A mouse asks Garfield how he got to be so fat. Garfield replies with "eating chubby mice."
  • Ane spider who gets smacked by Garfield comes across some other...
  • December 18, 2010: Garfield's lying nether the mistletoe, when a spider drops downward to kiss him on the nose. The resulting expression in the final panel is priceless.
  • Dec 12, 2021: Garfield strolls through the firm and sees Jon, Odie, Pooky and Liz wearing Santa hats. He'southward annoyed equally heck when he sees that fifty-fifty Squeak, a spider, the Big Vicious Dog, his ball of yarn and his food bowl have Santa hats on.

    Garfield: Oh, come on!

  • March thirty, 2002

    Jon: (shouting at Garfield off panel) Garfield! Get your paw out of the cookie jar! (crush) Who taught you that gesture!?
    Garfield: (off panel) You, in the car, when you drive.

  • Jon eats a os-shaped "cracker" that tastes funny:

    Liz: Jon, that was a dog biscuit! [pats his head] And, if y'all're a adept boy, y'all can have some other one.
    Garfield: I write her textile.

For 2004 Live-Activeness movie

  • Garfield trying several attempts to wake Jon up.

    Garfield: Oh, Sleeping Dazzler, wake upwards! Yous can finish dreaming about me because I'1000 here. (pulls the covers off) Now merely wake upwards. You've got piece of work to do. You're not merely my owner, you're my primary caregiver!
    Jon: Not now, Garfield. (rolls over, his arm squeezes Garfield'due south cervix)
    Garfield: Ack! Cut the sweet stuff! Easy now! (pulls his head free and so saunters off Jon'south bed) Trying to cuddle with me, huh? Trying to avert your duties, huh? Well, that only ain't gonna fly! Isn't gonna work for me! (climbs up a stack of books to get to the tiptop of a cabinet just across from Jon'southward bed) Meet, I'm getting my exercise doing my job. Just one quick CANNONBALL! (leaps off the chiffonier and onto Jon'south stomach; Jon coughs) Morning!
    Jon: GARFIELD!

  • Jon takes Odie on his appointment with Liz, leaving Garfield behind. Garfield begins chasing Liz's pick-up truck and manages to climb onto the bed. Then the traffic light turns cherry and Liz puts the brakes on, sending Garfield smacking into the dorsum window, while Jon and Liz accept no notice of him.

    Garfield: [muffled] Oh, my poor nose...

  • Meta-instance: Bill Murray took the script because he idea it was past Joel Coen nevertheless information technology was really by Joel Cohen (1 of the writers of Toy Story)

For A Tale of Two Kitties:

  • The opening credits of the film prove images of Garfield interfering with fairy tales and nursery rhymes in very Garfield-like ways, such equally knocking Humpty Dumpty off the wall and stealing nutrient from Little Red Riding Hood's basket.
  • Upon coming up to Buckingham Palace, Garfield tries to get a rise out of a traditional British Royal Baby-sit but was unsuccessful. Then Odie did the "Ugly American Thing", resulting in the baby-sit chasing him and Garfield.

    Garfield: The British are coming! The British are coming! (To Odie) Well, y'all made him crack, anyway.

  • Garfield getting stuck in the model of Carlysle castle.

    Garfield: Does this castle make my butt expect a piddling as well big?

  • The scene where Prince tries lasagna for the first time, especially when he holds up his empty plate and says "May I have some more", a la Oliver Twist.


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